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About Us

The Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs was founded in the year 1907, its first President being W F Graham, Esq, and the first Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph Miller, Esq.

Both these gentlemen rendered invaluable service in promoting the interests of the game in those early days and their names will always be held in high esteem in golfing circles in Northumberland.

The formation of the Union was the first step towards the establishment of uniformity in the control and management of the game throughout the County, and in this respect its foundation has achieved a beneficial object in bringing together and making an association of Clubs irrespective of the number of their members or playing strength.


1. To promote and encourage the game of golf.

2. To uphold and preserve the amateur spirit in the game.

3. To render assistance to all Clubs throughout the County in the management of the game.

4. To act as the ruling authority on the game within the area of the Union.

5. To promote and organise various County Competitions which bring together annually the members of the affiliated Clubs, and to arrange matches with other Counties.

6. To provide representation on England Golf and thereby take part in matters concerning the government and control of the game in a national sense

The relationship between the government of the game and the members of Clubs can be set out as follows:

Supreme Governing Body

The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews

(Policy, Rules, Amateur and Open Championships)

Council of National Golf Unions

England Golf – WelshGolf – Scottish Golf – Irish Golf

                                                                                                           County Unions

Affiliated Clubs

Club Members

The Executive Committee suggests that all those concerned with the administration of golf within the County should make themselves acquainted not only with County affairs but with the activities of England Golf as set out in the official Yearbook of Golf, in which will be found a wide range of miscellaneous information useful to Committee members and Secretaries alike.

Like the Royal and Ancient and England Golf, the Northumberland Union would affirm and emphasise the amateur tradition. Valuable money prizes or their equivalent have been found by experience to be detrimental to the game. The Union believes it faithfully represents the vast majority of players in doing all in its power to discourage proceedings of this kind.




A copy of the rules must be given to the NUGC, and these rules must agree within them to: –

1. Abide by the Rules of Golf as laid down by the R & A.

2. Abide by the Rules of Amateur Status as laid down by the R & A.

In connection with 1 and 2 above the Club must exercise control over any outside body using the course particularly in respect of the Rules of Amateur Status and more specifically, in respect of the conditions relating to prizes. Failure to do so could jeopardise the status of the affiliated Club.

3. To comply totally with the current World Handicapping System (WHS) regulations and any conditions imposed within the scheme by England Golf.

4. To abide by the Rules of the Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs.

5. To abide by the Rules of England Golf.

6. To include provisions that an Annual Meetingis held of all members to elect: –

       a. Officers (Captain, Secretary,Competition and Handicap Chairmen, Treasurer)

       b. A Handicap Committee comprising a majority of elected members sitting on it.

       c. A Competition Committee comprising a majority of elected members sitting on it.

7. If rules are broken the sanctions that may be applied are clearly stipulated and defined in accordance with the England Golf Disciplinary Procedures.

8. An appeal procedure.


Before affiliation is accepted: – 

1. The course must be suitable for the playing of medal competitions.

2. The Club must have access on a regular basis to a measured course or courses. Such courses must be registered with England Golf.

3. The course must be professionally measured, and a certificate of such measurements shall  be produced for the NUGC. Measurements must be made in accordance with the World Handicapping System (WHS) as issued by England Golf and the length and all resulting measured courses must be registered with England Golf through the NUGC.

4.  Any alterations to any measured course mustbe notified to the NUGC for potential re-assessment for slope and rating of the       course.


The Club must agree to pay all per capita fees to England Golf and NUGC which must include all categories of all male playing
members, irrespective of category, including juniors.


The facilities of the course and part of the clubhouse must be made available at least once per year if required by the
NUGC. Where a Club does not control its own course, this provision must be agreed in writing with the owner or owners prior to affiliation.


On receiving an application, the Union will be responsible for carrying out a full inspection of the course by a member of the
County Executive. Such member will ensure that the provisions of COURSE 1, 2, 3, have been or are being complied with. The
NUGC will give advice on such matters and explain any points that may require further clarification.


When the NUGC is satisfied that all previous clauses have been complied with, it will then offer affiliation to the Golf Club.
England Golf will be immediately notified of the affiliation.


1.  NUGC/England Golf should be notified if a club is subject to or enters formal insolvency procedures or ceases to trade Goes into Administration).

2. The NUGC will be responsible for giving guidance to the Club on all matters concerning the Rules of Amateur Golf and Amateur Status. It will provide the Club with a copy of its Rules and Regulations.

3.  Each Club will be entitled to one member on the Council of the Union.

4. The NUGC will if required, provide assistance on the establishment of the Club’s handicapping system.

5. The NUGC will send to the Club details of all County Events and any other information that is appropriate.

6. The NUGC will give at least one year’s notice to Clubs of events when seeking the courtesy of the facilities of the Club for such events whenever possible.

7.  The NUGC will be available through its Executive Committee to give the Club advice on other matters, or if that is not available to suggest an alternative source of information.

ENGLISH County Card Scheme

The New County Card scheme will allow club members in Northumberland to explore over 1200 other courses both within the County and across England at a discounted green fee rate, as a benefit of their affiliation fee.

A message from the President

Paul Brennan - NUGC President

It is a great honour to be given the opportunity of becoming County President, which I was delighted to accept at the Annual Council Meeting on 29 January 2024.

Welcome to the new Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs website. The site is more user friendly and will lead you to what is happening within County Golf in Northumberland.

I would like to wish all Golfers in the County all the very best as we embark on the summer competition season, at Club and County level, let’s hope that this years weather is more favourable for playing golf in our region.

I would like to extend my regards and best wishes to County Captain, Mr Graham Forrest and his Management Team. I would also like to welcome Ian Henderson and Michael Wilson, who have taken over running the Junior squads. Finally a warm welcome to Mike Fleming who has joined the Executive as the Seniors representative, Mike is also the Seniors Secretary.

This year The City of Newcastle Golf Club have the honour of hosting the Seniors Big 6, this will be held on Tuesday 10 September 2024. Please come along and support your Seniors Team.

Good golf to all for the year ahead.

NUGC President
Alan Paul Brennan

County Officials & Commitee

Executive committee

Past Presidents

Vice Presidents

Policies & Important Documents


The Union shall be called The Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs.



It shall consist of recognised Golf Clubs in Northumberland, whose enrolment in the Union shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, but in the event of appeal the decision of the Council shall be final and also of individual male members of such Golf Clubs for whom those Golf Clubs have paid an affiliation fee.


The governing body of the Union shall be styled the Council, and the entire management of the Union shall be vested in it.



The Council shall consist of the Officers hereinafter mentioned and of a representative from each Club in the Union. Voting on all matters considered by the Council will by each Club having one vote.



The Officers of the Council shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, such Vice Presidents recommended by the Executive Committee for special services rendered to the Union as shall be elected by the Council, the Past Presidents, and the Honorary Treasurer. The President or acting President shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote.



A representative from each of seven Clubs shall form a quorum of the Council.



The Annual Meeting of the Council at which at least 21 days’ notice shall be given to each Club in the Union, shall be held in the area of Newcastle upon Tyne not later than the 31st of March in each calendar year for the purpose of: –

  • Receiving the report of the Executive Committee on the affairs of the Union during the preceding year and the financial statement, duly examined by a statutory auditor, for the year ending on the previous 31st October.
    Electing the Officers of the Union and Members of the Executive Committee as required by these rules, and an Auditor.
  • Transacting the general business of the Union and such special business of which due notice shall have been given.
  • Receiving proposals other than a request for a Special Council Meeting (See Rule 16) from Clubs for consideration by the Annual Meeting of the Council. Such proposals shall be formally submitted by a Club, accompanied by a second Club supporting the proposal and to be with the Secretary 21 days prior to the meeting. Voting on proposals put forward by Clubs will be by each affiliated Club having one vote with proxy votes allowed. In the event of a tie the President who is Chairman will have a casting vote.



The President and the Honorary Treasurer shall be elected yearly at the Annual Meeting of the Council and shall hold office until the election of their successors. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Secretary on such terms as they think fit.


The Council’s Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the immediate Past President, five other Past Presidents elected as hereinafter provided, and the Honorary Treasurer, together with eight other members of the Council, two of whom being those with seniority of service since last elected shall retire in each year but shall be eligible for re-election by ballot at the Annual Meeting of the Council. At such election each member of the Council may give one vote only to a candidate for election but must vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies. Voting papers not fulfilling these conditions shall be declared void.
Any elected member of the Executive Committee who shall have failed to attend 50% of the Meetings of the Executive Committee during the preceding year shall forfeit his position unless he shall give to the Executive Committee a satisfactory explanation of such failure.



Nominations to fill vacant positions on the Executive Committee shall be sent by Clubs, in writing, so as to be in the hands of the Secretary ten clear days before the Annual General Meeting. Nominations received after that date shall not be valid. No Club shall nominate annually more than one person for the Executive and such nominee must be a member of the Council. Clubs shall be advised before the date of the Annual Meeting of the nominations received.



Should there be more than five Past Presidents exclusive of the immediate Past President, and willing to be members of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall elect five of such Past Presidents at their first Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Council in each year. Past Presidents will not have the right to vote at such election. Any Past President who shall have failed to attend a minimum of 50% of the Meetings of the Executive Committee during the preceding year shall forfeit his position unless he shall give to the Executive Committee a satisfactory explanation for such failure.



The Executive Committee shall have power to deal with all matters arising in the intervals between the Annual Meetings of the Council other than those matters affecting any change to contributions or subscriptions of any kind due to the NUGC where Clubs belonging to the Union shall be consulted and a decision reached by a simple majority of Clubs entitled to vote. Five shall form a quorum of the Executive Committee. The President or acting President shall have a deliberate as well as a casting vote.



The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt in the event of a vacancy occurring in the elected members provided that the member so co-opted shall retire at the next Annual Meeting of the Council but be eligible for re-election.



Prior, and at least 21 days before each Annual Council Meeting, the Executive Committee shall make a proposal for the annual affiliation fee to be paid by each Club to the Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs. The proposal or any subsequent amendment shall be decided by a simple majority of those Clubs entitled to vote (and voting) at the Annual Council Meeting. In the event of a tie the President who is Chairman will have a casting vote. Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st of February in each year and no Club whose subscription shall be in arrears on 1st March following or any of its members shall be entitled to vote or take part in any meetings or competitions of the Union.



The Secretary shall keep Minutes of the proceedings of the Council. He shall summon all meetings of the Council and shall prepare and send copies of the Financial Statement, duly audited to the Secretary of each Club in the Union at least twenty one days before the Annual Meeting. The Honorary Treasurer shall receive and dispose of all monies belonging to the Union in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee.



A Special Council Meeting may be convened at any time by the President or Acting President and the Secretary must do so when requested in writing by the representatives of any three Clubs in the Union. Twenty one day’s notice of the business to be transacted at such meetings shall be given to the Clubs belonging to the Union, and only business of which such notice has been given shall be considered.



No Rule of the Union shall be repealed or altered, and no new Rule shall be made, unless two thirds of the members voting at any meeting of the Council are in favour of the alteration. Twenty one day’s notice of any proposed repeal, alteration, or addition shall be given to each Club belonging to the Union.



The Executive Committee of the Union is charged with ensuring that all rules and etiquette contained both in the constitution and the regulations for County Competitions and Matches are observed. The Executive Committee is authorised to deal with any breach of rules, etiquette, discipline, or other misconduct and to impose sanctions upon any Club, Player, or Person deemed to have committed or been involved in any such breach or misconduct. Any Club, Player, or Person summoned to appear before the Executive Committee for such alleged breach or misconduct, if found guilty, may appeal to the Council of the Union. Notice of appeal must be lodged in writing with the Secretary of the Union within twenty-one days from the date of the Executive Committee decision to impose sanctions. The Secretary shall then convene a meeting of the Council in accordance with Rule 16 to consider such appeal.
The regulations for County Competitions shall be regarded as Bye Laws, and Clubs shall require no preliminary notice to be given them of any alteration in such regulations.

109 Backworth 2022 2031
110 Ponteland 2022 2031
113 Alnwick Castle 2022 2031
114 Magdalene Fields 2023 2032
115 Tynedale 2023 2032
116 Seahouses 2023 2031
117 Westerhope 2023 2032
118 Blyth 2016 2024
119 Bedlingtonshire 2016 2024
120 Arcot Hall 2016 2024
121 Wooler 2016 2024
122 Close House – Filly Course 2015 2025
123 Close House – Colt Course 2019 2025
124 The Northumberland 2016 2025
125 Hexham 2016 2026
126 Alnmouth Village 2017 2026
127 Bamburgh Castle 2017 2026
128 Alnmouth 2017 2026
129 Whitley Bay 2017 2026
130 Dunstanburgh Castle 2017 2027
131 High Gosforth Park 2017 2027
132 Prudhoe 2017 2027
133 City of Newcastle 2017 2027
134 Haltwhistle 2017 2027
135 Newbiggin 2017 2028


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