Our Juniors win the Northern Counties Boys final

Our Juniors won the Northern Counties Boys final for the second year running.

Our Juniors won the Northern Counties Boys final for the second year running. An 8.5 to 6.5 over Yorkshire on a bright, cool and breezy day. Thanks to all of the players for their performance and conduct this season, they have been a credit to themselves and the County. There was a big turnout from our executive to support the boys today, it is hugely appreciated. A final big thanks to Arcot Hall for hosting todays final, the course was in great order.

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Our Juniors won the Northern Counties Boys final for the second year running. An 8.5 to 6.5 over Yorkshire on a bright, cool and breezy day. Thanks to all of the players for their performance and conduct this season, they have been a credit to themselves and the County. There was a big turnout from our executive to support the boys today, it is hugely appreciated. A final big thanks to Arcot Hall for hosting todays final, the course was in great order.