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Junior Golf League

A great platform for young golfers

The Northumbria Junior Golf League was established in 1976. It consists of sixteen teams covering the south Northumberland area, providing junior golfers with a sound foundation into the competitive game of golf. The league provides an excellent opportunity for young golfers to represent their clubs and county to a very high standard.


The league is now administered by NUGC (Northumberland Union of Golf Clubs). The league competitions include:-

  • Two leagues of 8 teams with two from each progressing to a semi/finals day
  • A one-day Teams Championship and annual Texas Scramble



League A

5 Westerhope 6 49 23 49
8 Northumberland GC 6 45 27 45
12 Tynemouth 6 44 28 44
13 City of Newcastle 6 40 32 40
18 Arcot Hall 6 29 43 29
21 Ponteland 6 14 58 14
81 Gosforth 6 31 41 31


League B

5 Close House 6 50 22 50
8 Morpeth 6 42 30 42
12 Hexham 6 41 31 41
13 Longhirst Hall 6 39 33 39
18 Whitley Bay 6 37 35 37
21 Prudhoe 6 27 45 27
81 Bedlingtonshire 6 16 56 16



Close House v Northumberland GC
Westerhope v Morpeth


Close House v Morpeth


2023 winners

The winning team was Close House, beating Morpeth 8-4.

Team Gross Winners:  Morpeth GC – 244

Team Nett Winners:  Morpeth GC – 209

Individual Best Gross score

Individual Best Nett score: Charlie Clark (Hexham GC) – 62

1st : Whitley Bay GC 55.6
2nd : Ponteland GC 56.7
3rd : Hexham 58.3

League A

5 Morpeth 6 51 1 51
8 Close House 6 47 5 47
12 Hexham Blacks 6 35 37 35
13 Longhirst 6 34 8 34
18 Whitley Bay 6 33 39 33
21 Arcot Hall 6 28 38 28
81 Tynemouth 1 6 24 48 24


League B

5 City of Newcastle 7 57 27 57
8 Northumberland GC 7 57 27 57
12 Westerhope 7 48 36 48
13 Ponteland 7 39 45 39
18 Hexham Reds 7 39 45 39
21 Bedlingtonshire 7 37 47 37
81 Prudhoe 7 33 51 33
82 Tynemouth 2 7 26 58 26


Close House v City of Newcastle
Northumberland GC v Morpeth


Northumberland GC v Close House


2022 winners

The winning team was Northumberland GC, beating Close House 7-5.


Team Gross Winners:  Northumberland GC – 152

Team Nett Winners:  City of Newcastle GC – 134

Individual Best Gross score: Freddie Bremner (Morpeth GC) – 72. Runner Up Charlie Butler (Westerhope) – 73

Individual Best Nett score: Archie Roberts (City Of Newcastle) – 63. Runner Up: William Cormack (Bedlingtonshire) – 67

1st : Close House 55.5
2nd : Tynemouth 58.1
3rd : Bedlington 58.3
3rd : Northumberland 58.3

League A

5 Ponteland (A) 6 34
8 Westerhope 6 46
12 Hexham Reds 6 45
13 Bedlingtonshire 6 21
18 Arcott Hall 6 30
21 Whitley Bay 6 32
81 Free(Parklands) 6 0
82 Morpeth 6 44


League B

5 Hexham Blacks 7 48
8 Close House 7 57
12 Stocksfield 7 54
13 Longhirst 7 30
18 Ponteland (B) 7 37
21 Northumberland 7 41
81 City of Newcastle 7 18
82 Tynemouth 7 54





2021 winners

Not played


Team Gross Winners: Stocksfield GC. Runner Up Westerhope GC

Team Nett Winners: Hexham Reds GC

Individual Best Gross score: Archie Wilson, Stocksfield GC Runner Up Josh McCoutcheon, Stocksfield GC

Individual Best Nett score: Joseph Batey, Hexham Reds GC Runner Up: Eathan Hourigan, Morpeth GC

Frank Dobson Award – Player of the Year: Cameron Thoburn Westerhope

League A

5 Stocksfield 6 32
8 Matfen Hall 6 43
12 Ponteland 6 41
13 Whitley Bay 6 26
18 Tynemouth 6 28
21 Blyth 6 32
81 Free 6 0
82 Arcot Hall 6 38


League B

5 Hexham 6 40
8 Northumberland 6 48
12 Parklands 6 41
13 Morpeth 6 17
18 Bedlingtonshire 6 28
21 Westerhope 6 38
81 Free 6 0
82 Close House 6 40


2019 winners


Team Gross Winners: Matfen Hall GC. Runner Up Westerhope GC

Team Nett Winners: Morpeth GC. Runner Up Hexham  GC

Individual Best Gross score: Freddie McKenna (Tynemouth GC) Runner Up Junior Dobson (Matfen Hall GC)

Individual Best Nett score: Cameron Fletcher-Smith (Morpeth GC) Runner Up: Morgan Blythe (Hexham GC) and Reece Coppoci (Ponteland GC)

Frank Dobson Award – Player of the Year: Angus Buchanan Matfen Hall GC

Texas Scramble – Parklands – 15th June

5 Stocksfield 85 9.6 75.4
8 Close House 63 4.0 59.0
12 Ponteland 65 5.3 59.9
13 City of Newcastle 72 8.5 63.5
18 Tynemouth 69 4.1 64.9
21 Blyth 65 3.7 61.3
81 Morpeth 68 5.4 62.6
82 Arcot Hall 67 7.4 59.6
83 Westerhope 62 2.7 59.3
84 Parklands 64 4.6 59.4
85 Hexham 68 8.0 60.0
86 Matfen Hall 67 6.2 60.8
87 Bedlingtonshire 69 6.5 62.5

League A

5 Stocksfield 5 24
8 Matfen Hall 6 49
12 Ponteland 6 34
13 Whitley Bay 6 44
18 Tynemouth 6 38
21 Blyth 6 31
81 Longhirst 0 0
82 Arcot Hall 5 20


League B

5 Hexham 7 55
8 Northumberland 7 53
12 Parklands 7 53
13 Morpeth 7 37
18 Bedlingtonshire 6 17
21 Westerhope 7 52
81 City of Newcastle 6 4
82 Close House 7 53



2018 winners


Team Gross Winners: Northumberland Golf Club – 224 Runner Up Blyth Golf Club – 238

Team Nett Winners: Matfen Hall Golf Club (On Countback) – 212 Runner Up Stocksfield Golf Club – 212

Individual Best Gross score: Rosie Belsham (Whitley Bay GC) – 74 Runner Up Faye Wheatley (Northumberland GC) – 75

Individual Best Nett score: Archie Wilson (Stocksfield GC) – 67 Runner Up: Josh Ward (Stocksfield GC) – 68

Frank Dobson Award – Player of the Year: Ben Jones (Parklands GC)

Texas Scramble – City of Newcastle – 28th May

5 Stocksfield 63 4.1 58.9
8 Close House 69 5.5 63.5
12 Ponteland 67 7.8 59.2
13 City of Newcastle 71 9.3 63.7
18 Tynemouth 63 3.5 59.5
21 Blyth 66 4.2 61.8
81 Morpeth 71 7.4 63.6
82 Arcot Hall 66 5.5 60.5
83 Westerhope 63 4.8 58.2
84 Parklands 68 6.7 61.3
85 Hexham 66 4.8 61.2
86 Matfen Hall 68 5.9 62.1
87 Bedlingtonshire 73 9.3 63.7
88 Longhirst
89 Northumberland 62 9 59.1
90 Whitley Bay 62 2.6 59.4

Team Contact Details

8 Bedlingtonshire Golf Club https://www.bedlingtongolfclub.com Mark Sanderson 07817 757461 marksanderson@hotmail.co.uk
12 City of Newcastle Golf Club https://www.cityofnewcastlegolfclub.com Paul Simpson 07540 617616 paul_simpson@hotmail.com
13 Close House Golf Club https://closehouse.com Jonathan Lupton 07779 110942 jonathan.lupton@closehouse.co.uk
18 Hexham Golf Club https://www.hexhamgolf.co.uk Colin Galloway 07725 257568 Colingalloway@vindolanda.com
21 Longhirst Hall Golf Club https://longhirstgolf.co.uk Philip Layug 07903 641691 philiplayug@live.co.uk
25 Morpeth Golf Club https://www.morpethgolf.co.uk Sandy Twynholm 07588 667016 stwynholm@googlemail.com
28 Northumberland Golf Club https://www.thengc.co.uk Kevin Gray 07831 802993 kevin.gray@roof-truss.co.uk
29 Ponteland Golf Club https://www.thepontelandgolfclub.co.uk Nigel Mills 07887 822717 admin@thepontelandgolfclub.co.uk
30 Prudhoe Golf Club https://prudhoegolfclub.co.uk/ Martin Helawell 07577 942454
75 Tynemouth Golf Club https://www.tynemouthgolfclub.com John Mckenna 07740 828485 johnmckennagolf@googlemail.com
78 Westerhope Golf Club https://www.westerhopegolfclub.com Paul Butler 07810 445786 pskabutler@aol.com
79 Whitley Bay Golf Club https://whitleybaygolfclub.co.uk Austin Robinson 07896 221849 Austin.robinson42@yahoo.co.uk
81 Gosforth http://www.gosforthgolfclub.co.uk/ Phil Cartwright 07495 498277 Philip-cartwright100@hotmail.co.uk
82 NUGC https://nugc.org.uk Simon Coultas 07535 647175 simoncoultas@hotmail.co.uk
84 NUGC https://nugc.org.uk Ian Henderson 07721 722611 ian@rfhenderson.co.uk
85 NUGC https://nugc.org.uk Michael Wilson 07767 350475 michaelwilson.76@outlook.com
86 Linden Hall https://www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/linden-hall Allan Rodger 07872 338227 golfdirector.linden@macdonald-hotels.co.uk

Past Winners

1 2021 Close House
2 2020 Cancelled
3 2019 Northumberland
4 2018 Whitley Bay
5 2017 Matfen Hall
6 2016 Whitley Bay
7 2015 Ponteland
8 2014 Close House
9 2013 Close House
10 2012 Hexham
11 2011 Tynemouth
12 2010 Hexham
13 2009 Blyth
14 2008 Tynemouth
15 2007 Newbiggin
16 2006 Morpeth
17 2005 Slaley Hall
18 2004 Newbiggin
19 2003 Newbiggin
20 2002 Backworth
21 2001 Newcastle United
22 2000 Prudhoe
23 1999 Morpeth
24 1998 Morpeth
25 1997 Bedlingtonshire

64 1987 Tynemouth
65 1997 City of Newcastle
66 1996 Wallsend
67 1995 Whitley Bay
68 1994 Westerhope
69 1993 Westerhope
70 1992 Backworth
71 1991 Parklands
72 1990 Morpeth
73 1989 Not Played
74 1988 Not Played
75 1998 Parklands
76 1986 Stocksfield
77 1985 Bedlingtonshire
78 1984 Bedlingtonshire
79 1983 Westerhope
80 1982 Wideopen
86 2009 Slaley Hall
87 2020 Cancelled
88 2019 Matfen Hall
89 2018 Northumberland
90 2017 Matfen Hall
91 2016 Stocksfield
92 2015 Not Played
93 2014 Close House

86 2009 Arcot Hall
87 2020 Cancelled
88 2019 Close House
89 2018 Westerhope
90 2017 Bedlingtonshire
91 2016 Hexham
92 2015 Northumberland
93 2014 City of Newcastle
94 2013 City of Newcastle
95 2012 Stocksfield
96 2011 Arcot Hall
97 2010 Arcot Hall
98 2021 Stocksfield GC
99 2008 Morpeth
100 2007 Gosforth
101 2006 Parklands
102 2005 Backworth
103 2004 Not Played
104 2003 Ponteland
105 2002 Not Played
106 2001 Not Played
107 2000 Whitley Bay
108 1999 Blyth

86 2009 Hadrian League
87 2020 Cancelled
88 2019 Northumbria Junior League
89 2018 Northumbria Junior League
90 2017 Northumbria Junior League
91 2016 Northumbria Junior League
92 2015 Northumbria Junior League
93 2014 Not Played
94 2013 Northumbria Junior League
95 2012 Hadrian League
96 2011 Northumbria Junior League
97 2010 Not Played
98 2021 Not played
99 2008 Not Played
100 2007 Northumbria & Hadrian Leagues
101 2006 Hadrian League
102 2005 Hadrian League
103 2004 Hadrian League
104 2003 Not Played
105 2002 Not Played
106 2001 Not Played
107 2000 Hadrian League
108 1999 Hadrian League
109 1998 Hadrian League
110 1997 Northumbria Junior League

Rules & Procedures


  • Boys to play off white tees.
  • Girls to play off red tees.
  • 6 player teams – all matches to be played with course handicaps, in handicap order, lowest handicap first.
  • Matches to be played in 2 ball format.
  • 2 points for a win, 1 point for a halve.

Caddies – only junior team members and club juniors will be allowed as caddies. Relatives and JLOs must not caddy.

Dress code is set in accordance with the rules at the club hosting the match. 

Meals after games – not mandatory, to be agreed between JLOs when agreeing matches.

Any issues/disputes should be referred to the junior league contacts at NUGC (Michael Wilson, Simon Coultas, or Ian Henderson).

Playing for more than one club

From 2024, players are permitted to play for more than 1 club.


Please see 2024 fixtures.  As agreed, dates can be altered to suit clubs although 14 days notice must be given if a request to change a date is made.

  1. The hard deadline for matches to be played is Sunday 11 August.  The result of any matches not played by this date will be determined by NUGC. 

Age limit:

Players must be under 18 years old on 1 January 2024.


All players to receive full course handicap (i.e. handicap index multiplied by slope rating of either white or red tee).  

Shots are worked out based on difference between the 2 course handicaps with no maximum allowance. 

Girls will also receive courtesy shots based on difference between the par of the white and red tees.  This will be added to the number of shots they receive in their match NOT taken on the hole(s) where the difference in par is. 

  1. In Boy v Girl matches, shots are taken using the stroke index relevant to the person receiving the shots.


Example: John v Sarah – 

John’s course handicap is 9.

Sarah’s course handicap is 16.

Par for white tee is 71.

Par for red tee is 73.

Sarah receives 9 shots in match using stroke indexes 1-9 on red tees.

We encourage all JLO’s to make sure juniors are submitting regular qualifying scores to make sure their handicap is as up to date as possible. 


Reporting games:

The home team will send the match result to Simon Coultas and cc Michael Wilson within 2 days of the match being played.  Please cc the opposition JLO.

Please provide: 

  • Date of match
  • Home team, away team
  • Player name, handicap index and course handicap
  • Game result
  • Overall match result.
  1. The league recognises the need for children protection and its duty of care to all children playing in League organised competitions.
  2. It is a condition of membership of the League that all Clubs recognise their duties towards children in golf and have systems in place, along with documentary evidence to support such systems.
  3. In League matches, Representative Matches and League Open Day Competitions, the Home Club must provide a risk assessment appertaining to the Golf Course Facility in use on that date.
  4. The Golf Club Management and Liaison Officers must provide documentation for each player, recording medication taken, current illnesses or allergies, together with emergency contact names and telephone numbers along with parental consent forms.
  5. The Northumbria Junior Golf League will not use any Golf Course Facility that does not have adequate systems in place for the protection of children in golf.

Any questions or clarifications about this policy should be addressed to one of the following League officials: